
Exploring an Idea for an APIs.json Defined Workflow

I have been thinking deeply about API workflows lately. Meaning, how do you chain API requests together in a certain order. There are many valuable API resources available out there that become even more valuable once you bundle them together. API workflows start with single APIs, maybe paginating through results or searching for results, then incrementally pulling detail pages. Then there are API workflows spanning multiple APIs where you can really start seeing the value of API interoper...

Open Source Educational Resources on Modern APIs

Everywhere I work I find myself reinventing the wheel when it comes to educational resources about APIs. There are many new topics to come along since I started in this game, but there are so many common building blocks you have to educate newcomers about-—we really should have a rich toolbox of content and other resources available for everyone to use at this point in the game. This is an area I dedicated API Evangelist to from 2010 through 2020, but I was just so busy trying to make a li...

Strongly Typed API Operations

I was fascinated with the rise of JavaScript as a ubiquitous but loose client-side programming language in our browser, but then also the introduction of it on the server-side with Node.js. I see a lot of parallels between the ubiquity and utility of JavaScript, and the ubiquity and utility of web APIs. I am equally fascinated by the rise of TypeScript in this fast and loose reality, bringing more discipline to the JavaScript programming realm. Using TypeScript as part of my work around Sp...

The Great API Unbundling

I have been talking about the expansion of needs when it comes to API operations, the lifecycle, and governance for a number of years now. I have been hearing it called the great unbundling of API management for a little while now, and while the word “unbundling” is appropriate, it represents an outsider, or market-driven view of what is needed. Unbundling refers to the separation of components from a suite of products the last generation of API service providers were selling you, so that ...

My API Platform or Yours?

You hear the phrase API platform a lot from vendors across the API space. It is just one of many phrases in the world of APIs that is more a funhouse of mirrors than actually a meaningful set of words we depend upon. Everyone wants to be a platform. At first glance, an API platform is an API-first way for delivering and maintaining the applications a company, organization, institution, or government agency needs to conduct business daily. However, due to the way venture capital fueled star...

Positive API Behavioral Reinforcement

I started API Evangelist because people were telling me I was doing the REST API thing wrong, and being pretty shitty about it along the way. I don’t mind being corrected, but when the RESTafarians in 2010 were telling me I was doing APIs wrong and none of them were helping me learn the “right way”—-I wanted a way to push back in my own way. It is what made me spend the next decade helping guide people in a positive direction when it comes to doing APIs. While I am fully aware that I can a...

Governing the Title of Your APIs With Spectral Rules

I enjoy how developing Spectral rules to govern an API slows us down to think about what matters. Really this is the biggest problem I see with people building APIs—-they are just moving too fast, and they refuse to slow down and think too deeply about things. I enjoy the frame rate in which Spectral rules attach themselves to the contracts we are producing for our APIs, and I figured I’d further expand on the opportunity to tell some stories around these machine-readable API policies we a...

An Emphasis on the Politics of APIs

While making my way around the API landscape for the last thirteen years I have seen that many of the words we use describe APIs are the same, but the meaning of these words will vary depending on who you are and the role you play in the great API hustle. I began this API journey like most, focused on the technology of APIs. I quickly learned that while technology plays an important role, the most important dimension of this great API hustle is more about the business of APIs. I find the b...

Twitter and Reddit APIs Are the Canaries in the Public API Coal Mine

I have long considered Twitter to be one of the most important APIs to there. With its former status as the town square for the world, the Twitter API provided an unprecedented view into how our world works. Similarly the Reddit API provides the same unprecedented view into the “home page” for the web, revealing how the online, and even offline world works. The recent shifts towards monetization of the Twitter and Reddit API is a common strategy from the Silicon Valley API playbook, but it...

What is Next for API Evangelist

After flipping the page on yet another chapter in my career and beginning a new chapter focused on the application programming interface (APIs), I am left once again with the burning question — what do I do with API Evangelist? To help answer this question I will need to refresh my memory on why I did API Evangelist in the first place, what it ultimately has become, and exploring what value it might still bring to the table. I love to lean on the fact that API Evangelist first and foremost...
Pascal Heus

AI has a metadata problem…

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a captivating and transformative field, capturing the imagination of individuals and industries alike. As I immerse myself in the world of AI, I feel, as many, awed by its potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. 

Elevating My Awareness of Artificial Intelligence

I am not excited about recent evolutions in artificial intelligence (AI) as many others are, but as with APIs, I am looking to find and follow the story. This is something that takes regular studying and thinking about things, so here I aim spending my weekend thinking about all of this, trying to define where I stand, and speak somewhat intelligently about where things are going. As with most things tech, I am coming at this through the API lens, but since OpenAI, and most of the AI / ML ...

The People’s Network - The Political Economy of the Telephone in the Gilded Age

I just finished reading The People’s Network: The Political Economy of the Telephone in the Gilded Age by Robert MacDougal. It was fresh look at the early years of the telephone network, and how the technology has shaped this country, and this country shaped the technology. While it was primarily focused on the years 1890 to 1930, which was a very different time, you can draw several parallels t...

My Personal Evangelism Algorithm

I was sharing my personal algorithm for how I approach evangelism. It isn’t very complex but is something I have evolved over the last decade plus and kept interesting through switching up the topics I focus on and which channels I use to engage with my audience. While there is a lot of nuances to how I personally approach as the API Evangelist or Chief Evangelist, it goes something like this.   Read more →

Contrasting API Contract Testing and Functional Testing

I am neck deep in very philosophical debates around API specifications and testing right now, which I am working with my team get more precise in how we discuss API testing and avoid drowning in the semantics and perspectives that spin many of these conversations out. As always, I need to work through independently aspects of this conversation using storytelling, so that I can wrap my brain around the nuances and details of it all.

Live By APIs Die By APIs

One of the things I love and hate about the API universe is that if you live by APIs, you will often times die by APIs, unless you can perpetually dial in just the right balance across how much value you generate, keep for yourself, or make accessible to others. I’ve fictionally written about how APIs are just the Sentinels from the Matrix, in that they first began as construction bots helping humanity, and then once the Matrix took control of humanity, their roles changed. Of course, this...

We Are Just Swiping Credit Cards, Doing Our Accounting Using Multiple Sets of Books, and Do Not Allow Time for Budget Planning in the API Space

I heard a phrase this past week that when it comes to APIs—that we are all just swiping the credit card and then working to do accounting after the fact. So much truth. I would augment that state with the reality that we aren’t ever spending anytime budget planning. It is implied, but I think it is important to bring it front and center and balance out our belief we can accomplish everything we need with accounting after the fact. While I am no planner when it comes to my own APIs or my fi...
Kin Lane

The Most Important API Layers To Focus on in the Enterprise

As folks turn their attention to artificial intelligence, productivity, and other distractions emerging across our technology dominated worlds, I am taking a moment to assess the areas that I feel confident are the most important API layers to be focusing on when it comes to the enterprise. Depending on your role within the enterprise, at a startup, within venture capital, or other performer in this Broadway musical we call the tech sector, you will see things differently. Even though I wo...
Kin Lane

Y’all See API Contract Testing Like You Do Terms of Service

I keep working through my API contract testing discussions with folks. I wrote about getting pedantic when it comes to API contract testing last night to help me get a grasp on things, and I am working on a piece about change to augment this post, but as I was laying there last night thinking about all of this, I am realizing that folks see API contracts in the same way they see terms of service...
Kin Lane

Getting Pedantic About API Contract Testing

I am immersed in very detailed and pedantic discussions lately about API contract testing lately. Like many phrases in the world of APIs, the phrase contract testing gets thrown around a lot, without much understanding of what it means. I use it so often, and hear it so often, in so many different scenarios I lose track of what it means. Thankfully Kevin Swiber (@kevinswiber) is on my team and regularly gets all pedantic about it on calls, with...
Kin Lane

Learning About Railroad Regulation in the Empire Express

I just finished reading the Empire Express by David Haward Bain. It took me a couple months as I read on the side and contrasted with other more nourishing reads from widely different universes. However, after finally finishing the 700+ pages I am left with many stories and tales to use in my regular work as the API Evangelist. I picked up the book to learn more about the regulation that went into not just this monumental “road Bbuilding”, but also laying of the telegraph lines across this...
Kin Lane

How I Use Postman for Algorotoscope — API-First, No UI Needed

One of the things I really like about Postman as a platform is that I really can go cheap on the user interface. I have several APIs in which I do not have any UI. I only need the data managed via API, and anytime I do need some sort of output for my storytelling, I use Postman visualizer to get what I need. One example of this in action is my Read more →
Kin Lane

The Source of Truth for an API

I was talking with Laurent Broudoux (@lbroudoux) and Yacine Kheddache (@YadaYac) over at Microcks this week. As I listened to them discuss the intersection of multiple API protocols like HTTP, gRPC, and Websockets, multiple specifications like OpenAPI, AsyncAPI, and Postman Collections, as well as multiple stops along the API Lifecycle like documentation, testing, and mo...
Pascal Heus

Using ChatGTP to convert human knowledge into machine actionable formats

Human knowledge has naturally for centuries been captured in human friendly formats such as books, intended to be consumed by, you guessed it, humans. But our world has changed dramatically and we now live in a space where this needs to be shared with computers. Machine driven processing, learning, or intelligence requires access to human knowledge in digital formats. We have more or less completed the transition from paper into formats such a PDF, Word, Excel, HTML, but these are unstru...
Kin Lane

Twitter Should Be Able Charge for Their API Because It Costs Money to Operate

I’ve heard this phrase seven times now from people on Twitter and LinkedIn-—that Elon Musk is just making a business decision to charge money for the Twitter API because it costs Twitter money. In the moment, with your narrow capitalist blinders on, this is a very logical argument. As someone who has been arguing that Twitter should be charging for their API for over a decade, this argument isn’t as sophisticated and logical those wielding it might think. I know this isn’t what you want to...